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Horizontal Hives, also known as Long Hives, are Langstroth-type hives, except that instead of separate boxes stacked vertically, this hive is one long box (the equivalent of three deep hive bodies ) on legs to reduce back and shoulder strain.
THIS PRODUCT IS FOR STORE PICKUP ONLY! If you would like to have this product shipped to you, please email the store at RMBS@rockymountainbeesupply.com for a shipping estimate. Please make sure to enter your full name, address, and phone number in the email. Shipping may be invoiced separately.
Built for beekeepers who cannot lift and move heavy boxes, or those with physical disabilities/limitations, this hive accepts 35 standard deep Langstroth frames (not included). The beekeeper will only have to lift the lid to access the hives, and then the inner covers, and frames. The hive's legs are made of pressure treated wood to resist rot, and are removeable (they can also be cut to adjust the hive to a lower level if desired).
Engineered specifically for Colorado beekeepers, this is the nicest horizontal long hive you will see on the market. Built with double the insulation of a standard hive body, this hive helps the bees maintain temperatures with less effort in summer and winter. Specifically designed to work with most Langstroth equipment, the Rocky Mountain Bee Supply Horizontal Hive will accept 35 standard deep frames, most candy boards, internal feeders, and allows for oxalic acid treatment units. The side handles can accommodate metal frame holders for ease of hive inspections.
To inspect, the hinged lid is lifted from the back and held in place by two sturdy chains. The front of the hive has two adjustable bee entrances with landing boards. Hive walls are constructed of #1 grade 2x12 pine for extra insulation and durability. Insulated hive top allows room for internal feeders or candy boards with two ventilation holes at each end to allow for full cross ventilation throughout the hive and to dissipate moisture.
Three removeable inner covers allow for pointed access to the frames you want to work with, and for bees to access internal feeders. Closure device on the back of the hive keeps the lid secured from being blown open by the wind. Flat roof includes 1" Foil Faced rigid insulation and pre-finished aluminum covering to protect the top and shield it from the elements. Single coat of premium latex white paint with primer, mold, and UV resistance. Follower board and inner covers included. Frames NOT included. Copyright 2024, Rocky Mountain Bee Supply LLC, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Overall Dimensions: Height: 42" Length: 57" Width: 21.5"
Shipping not available for this product. In-store pickup only at the Colorado Springs, Rocky Mountain Bee Supply location only.