5 Frame NUC:  Our 5 Frame nucleus colonies ("Nucs" for short) are built right here in Colorado from ours and another commercial beekeepers overwintered colonies. We strive to have them ready about mid May, but we need about 21 days of good weather to build you a nice healthy nuc.  Other suppliers who give an exact date on nucs earlier in the season are probably bringing those in from out of state...so buy local, if you can.  You will get five deep sized Langstroth frames...they are older frames and might be wooden or plastic.  Two of the frames will be honey/pollen and three of the frames will be varying stages of brood (eggs, larvae, pupae).  All of the queens in our nucs are new queens, so they are standing on their own brood.  All of this will be encased in a plastic Pro Nuc Box for easier transportation and installation. All of our nucs have been treated for varroa mites; however, we encourage you to begin your mite treatments about 1 week post installation.