Local regulations

Please do your own research for the area that you want to keep your bees, as different municipalities have their own laws/regulation for keeping honey bees: https://library.municode.com/co

Colorado Springs: https://coloradosprings.gov/planning-and-development/page/residential-accessory-use

Colorado Springs City Code Chapter 7, Article 3, Section 105, A.2.b. Beehives:
(1) Properties Less Than Ten Thousand Square Feet: Properties that are less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area are permitted a maximum of two (2) beehives.
(2) Properties Between Ten Thousand Square Feet And One Acre: Properties that are between ten thousand (10,000) square feet and one acre in area are permitted a maximum of four (4) beehives.
(3) Properties Greater Than One Acre And Up To Five Acres: Properties that are greater than one acre but not more than five (5) acres in area are permitted the following:
(A) Up to two (2) acres a maximum of five (5) beehives.
(B) Over two (2) acres and up to three (3) acres a maximum of six (6) beehives.
(C) Over three (3) acres and up to four (4) acres a maximum of seven (7) beehives.
(D) Over four (4) acres and up to five (5) acres a maximum of eight (8) beehives.
(4) Properties Greater Than Five Acres: Properties that are greater than five (5) acres in area are permitted an unlimited number of beehives.
(5) Setbacks:
(A) On properties less than ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area, beehives must be a minimum of five feet (5') from the nearest side or rear property line, measured from the nearest point of the hive box to the property line, and may not be located within the front-yard setback.
(B) On properties between ten thousand (10,000) square feet and five (5) acres in area, beehives must be a minimum of fifteen feet (15') from the nearest side or rear property line, measured from the nearest point of the hive box to the property line, and may not be located within the front-yard setback.
(C) On properties that are more than five (5) acres in area, beehives must be a minimum of fifty feet (50') from the nearest property line, measured from the nearest point of the hive box to the property line.
(6) Flyway Barriers:
(A) A flyway barrier shall be installed within five feet (5') of the entrance of all beehives on properties of less than five (5) acres in area. No flyway barrier is required if the beehive(s) is located fifty feet (50') or more from any property line.
(B) A flyway barrier shall be a minimum of six feet (6') in height.
(C) A flyway barrier shall be located no further than five feet (5') from any beehive(s).
(D) A flyway barrier shall be constructed of an opaque fence or fast growing, dense evergreen vegetative material capable of reaching six feet (6') in height at maturity.
​(7) Fresh Water Supply: A fresh water supply shall be provided within five feet (5') of the beehive(s).

Arvada (see article 8): https://library.municode.com/co/arvada/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PTIICOOR_CH38EN_ARTVIIIBE

Broomfield: https://www.broomfield.org/DocumentCenter/View/12264/Beekeeping-License?bidId=

Castle Rock: https://library.municode.com/co/castle_rock/codes/municipal_code?nodeId=TIT6AN

Centennial: https://www.centennialco.gov/Residents/Health-Environment/Beekeeping

Denver (see article 11): https://library.municode.com/co/denver/codes/code_of_ordinances


Jefferson County: https://www.jeffco.us/DocumentCenter/View/2069/Backyard-Honeybees-PDF?bidId=

Parker:  https://www.parkeronline.org/DocumentCenter/View/22557/Beekeeping-Ordinance?bidId=

Westminster: https://www.cityofwestminster.us/Portals/1/Documents/Public%20Safety%20-%20Documents/Police%20Department/Backyard%20Livestock%20Permit%20-%20FINAL020416.pdf