Our insulated 7 frame bee hives are perfect for the hobby beekeepers, young and elderly beekeepers. You can add matching insulated supers for honey production. Our nucs are easier to lift and inspect the brood chamber, lighter than full size 10 frame supers, and bees overwinter better in the 7 frame hives. They feature the same latches for the supers and top cover for easy transportation. All our beehives have plenty of ventilation holes to prevent moisture build up inside the hive. You can use your own standard frames, the Apimaye Pro Frames, or Core Frames in these hives. All the hive boxes and the hive covers are insulated to keep the colonies warmer in the cold climates. This beehive can be divided with the included division board to house 2 separate colonies and used as mating nucs. They have 2 separate color coded entrances, 2 separate top feeders. You can feed the colonies with sugar syrup and candies at the same time. You can keep 2 extra queens in one nuc for the emergency queen losses or rear your own queens. It is the best insulated ventilated hive and nuc available.