☐ Learn if you can have bees where you live: HOAs, City Codes, Yard Size, etc.
☐ Decide how many hives you want to begin with; we recommend a minimum of two.
☐ Take a basic beekeeping class that specializes in beekeeping in your geographic area.
☐ Find a mentor to help you out your first year.
☐ Pre-order your bee colonies: buy one nuc or one package for each hive you intend to keep.
☐ Begin purchasing your equipment: hives, stands, feeders, tools, and protective wear. (See Below)
☐ Select your apiary site and set up a bear fence, if necessary.
☐ Paint all wooden hives and stands with outdoor latex or several coats of tung oil.
☐ Set up your hives in your apiary.
☐ Prepare your feeding syrup and pollen patties. Load your smoker with fuel.
☐ Re-watch installation videos on nucs or package bees.
☐ Install your bees into your hive with a full feeder and spring pollen patties. If you bought a package, hang your queen on a middle frame for 3 days.
☐ If you bought a package, release your queen after 3 days.
☐ Give your bees a week or two to settle in and then treat for mites.
☐ Keep the syrup feeder full…check every few days and top off the syrup or replace with fresh. DO NOT LET THEM RUN OUT!
☐ Every 10 to 14 days, do a hive inspection for fresh eggs, larvae, and new comb.