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OGH® Beehive Awning, design consists of:
20 Gage cold rolled steel panel, 16.25in. x 4 in.
Powder-Coated, sky white, (extra strength powder coating for outdoor use)
Stainless Steel, Two (2) 1/2 inch screws
- Simple installation.
- Fits both 8 and 10 frame Langstroth hives
- In all seasons, the Beehive Awning will protect the entrance and landing board
from rain, snow and all other weather related debris.
- Reduces scope/zone in which guard bees need to control.
- Slide slots allows natural bearding
- Protects bees & the entrance from falling leaves, twigs and other insects
- Sheds rain water in the spring and summer
- Reduces the temperature on the landing board
- Reduces the temperature on the inside of the hive
- Minimizes the difference between temperature
from landing board to the inside of the hive.
- Protects the landing board from snow buildup and sleet damming
- Enhances hive air circulation
- Reduces moisture buildup
- Increases the ability for bees to survive during the winter months