SOLD OUT: WAITING LIST AVAILABLE FOR ANY EXTRAS WE BUILD: Please call the store and have us put you on the waiting list, or email us with your full name and phone number...put "NUC WAITING LIST" in the subject line of the email.
IN-STORE PICK UP ONLY. WE DO NOT SHIP NUCS. Pick up date will be determined by the store after purchase. We will contact you when your nuc is ready. We shoot for sometime in May, but the weather will determine when they will be ready. Please double check and make sure we have the correct e-mail and phone number of the person who will be picking up the bees. You must bring a driver’s license or other valid ID to pick up your bees.
***Select Pickup In Store. THE PICK UP DATE WILL BE determined by store management.***
Make sure to review our Refund Policy on our website:
2024 Colorado Nucs will come with 5 deep frames and a 2024 Italian-Survivor Stock hybrid mated queen in a plastic Pro Nuc box. Queens will not be marked. These nucs are made from splits from ours and another commercial beekeeper's colonies here in Colorado. To set the conditions for success, our nucs will be built from strong overwintered mother colonies and will contain a newly mated 2024 Italian-Survivor Stock hybrid queen with 1-2 frame(s) of honey, and 3 frames containing pollen, eggs, larvae, and nurse bees. The 2024 nucs will be split from working honey production hives. What this means is that nucs may include wood or plastic frames, or a combination of both. Most frames will consist of 2-3 year old comb, but some may be older.
Your nuc will arrive in a plastic Pro-Nuc box and will have been treated for varroa destructor mites in early spring prior to delivery; HOWEVER: due to the prevalence of PMS (Parasitic Mite Syndrome) we saw this past two years, we recommend you give your bees a week to settle in, and do an additional full spring treatment on them while their brood is fairly small. Additionally, we recommend you do a mite count (simply accomplished with an Varroa Check unit) in July/August and treat if thresholds warrant it. Follow up with a thorough treatment again in the fall before winterizing. Failure to treat your bees on a regular regimen for varroa mites could cause colony failure. Oxalic acid (delivered by a vaporizer), Apiguard, or Apivar are great treatments for varroa mites and are on the gentler end of the treatment spectrum. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
The dates for delivery will be determined based on the healthy development of the nucs. We will strive to deliver all nucs by the end of May 2024. We will do our very best to keep all beekeepers updated on the status of the nucs because we know people have busy lives and need to plan accordingly. Please go to our website and look for the scrolling banner on our homepage: we will keep this banner updated with information on the delivery of the nucs. Please keep in mind that springtime weather will have the most effect on development and delivery timing. If we have late snow and cold, the queens may shut down and will not lay eggs. We will need a good window of approximately three consistent warm weeks for egg-laying and brood development. Other nuc producers that have guaranteed delivery dates are most likely importing their nucs from out of state.
It is in our best interest to provide the highest quality nucs to our customers, and we strive to provide the best support that we can. However, there are many variables in beekeeping, and we cannot guarantee that you will be able to successfully continue to establish a bee colony. We do offer and recommend that all new beekeepers take a basic beekeeping class prior to receiving their bees. Please see our classes listed on our website under the Services tab: or check our Upcoming Events Calendar for in-store classes.
We ask that you recycle your plastic nuc box and lid with us after installation to avoid it ending up in a landfill. Thank you for beekeeping with us!